- docs.oracle.com - Documentation index for major Oracle product releases.
- SQL Reference Manual - from this page you are one click away from 99% of the answers you'll ever need.
- Community Forums - Create an account, read the FAQ, and volunteers constantly respond to all sorts of questions. Shared with PL/SQL forum.
- LiveSQL - Create snippets runnable in the browser, just like jsfiddle.net
- AskTom.oracle.com - Spend five minutes a day here, and you'll pick up all sorts of best practices, ideas, & humour. There's also a ton of valuable 'Office Hours' video content.
- Alexandria PL/SQL Utility Library - Don't re-invent the wheel. Check out what is available, and consider how it's written.
- Morgan's Library at PSOUG - Covers examples for a lot of conceptual ideas.
- Oracle-Base.com - Similar to Morgan's library, but in article format.
- Community Forums - Create an account, read the FAQ, and volunteers constantly respond to all sorts of questions. Shared with SQL forum.
- Bookmarks - all the APEX bookmarks you really need
- APEX Documentation - Looking slick.
- apex.world - Community site consolidating Twitter, Slack and highlighted news feeds. Repository for plug-ins.
- Community Forums - Create an account, read the FAQ, and volunteers constantly respond to all sorts of questions.
- So you want to learn Oracle APEX - A summary post I made in 2019, still worth a peruse
- OraOpenSource - Open Source utilities for APEX
- Oracle Learning Library - Demos & tutorials provided by Oracle.
- jQuery Cheatsheet - jQuery very handy in APEX development
- Mozilla Development Network (MDN) - more comprehensive than w3schools for HTML/CSS documentation
- www.odtug.com/apex - Aggregator of blogs from a strong community.
- United Codes - another repository of exceptional supported plug-ins.
- FOS - another repository of exceptional supported plug-ins.
- Forms Developers - a starting point for those wanting to transition from Oracle Forms
- Useful URLs - An old collection of APEX related URLs you may find useful.
All content linked remains under the explicit ownership of the original author and I take no responsibility for the content provided. If any author would like links to their content removed please let me know.
Thanks for sharing the best stuff.