We've been looking through the packaged applications for applied ideas, and using the Universal Theme sample application as a component reference.
I came across a requirement where we had a list of items that indicated completion level out of 100.
Then I thought about a group of pie icons I saw in Dick Dral's Font APEX icon reference, and knew what I wanted to do.
All I needed to do was round a bunch of numbers to the nearest 5.
To solve such as problem, I usually start by giving myself a bunch of numbers to play with
select rownum rn from dual connect by level <= 100
Then defining that as a
statement, so I can refer to the derived column as often as I like.with nbrs as ( select rownum rn from dual connect by level <= 100 ) select rn , floor(rn/100 * 20) / 20*100 rnd ,'fa fa-pie-chart-'||floor(rn/100 * 20) / 20*100 icon from nbrs where mod(rn,5)=0And I used a divide/multiply by 20 math trick to do the rounding.
We can then feed the result as the relevant icon into whatever region template we need.
![]() |
I like pie. |
Simple, yet effective.
great idea.
you can probably simplify by using 5 as the multiple and divisor of your rnd.
with rownums as
(select rownum rn, decode(mod(rownum, 5), 0, rownum, (5 * trunc((rownum / 5), 0)) + 5) as rnd
from dual
connect by level <= 100)
select rn,
'fa fa-pie-chart-' || rnd as icon
from rownums
--where mod(rn,5) = 0 -- add where clause to go by 5s only
Simplify? Or complexity moved?
Just out of curiosity, I tried comparing the two queries. Took a lot of iterations to see any difference.
1.86 secs (.000186 secs per iteration) -- yours
1.34 secs (.000134 secs per iteration) -- mine
1.81 secs (.000181 secs per iteration)
1.41 secs (.000141 secs per iteration)
1.80 secs (.00018 secs per iteration)
1.39 secs (.000139 secs per iteration)
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