It's February, so it must be time to do this. I explore what thoughts arise from looking back, and forward to the future. It helps me to remember stuff, decide what to do, and apparently some people find it interesting.
So many tools. And I arguably don't use enough of them.
APEX 5.1
It's out and I'm excited. Unfortunately, scheduling is super tight, so I'll be waiting at my current site until hopefully around June, but I've certainly been enjoying the play on I look forward in particular to the OracleJET built-in charts, we've got some great dashboarding ideas to explore.
I've seen plenty of questions come through the forums on the Interactive Grid, but I'm by-passing most of those until I get the chance to use it. I sure know where it belongs, and I look forward to understanding how it ticks, and the implications it brings.
JET plug-in - work in progress |
OracleJET Visualisations
After an interesting overview in the depths of OracleJET from Chris Muir, I assigned myself homework that's seen me quietly working away on some plugins, bringing OracleJET visualisation (charts) for use in 5.0. I'm not sure how successful the cultivation will become, but I am documenting my journey. Expect a decent series of articles on my process, but be patient. I've had a hiccup with JSON and I'm giving it a rest for a little bit.
We have
12c at our main client site and I appreciate some of the features it brings, so much so I look forward to
12.2, particularly
I particularly like
Identity columns; the
row limiting clause, though I probably abuse it sometimes; and I reckon I must spike page hits for Tim's post about
lateral & outer apply joins.
I'm starting to explore performance benefits of PL/SQL in WITH clause, and the UDF pragma, among other features.
My colleague has done some interesting stuff with parsing incoming JSON using 12.1 SQL, and I'm slowly exploring with my plugin generation using APEX_JSON and LISTAGG. With made another step deeper into 12c by upping MAX_STRING_SIZE to allow for processing of larger JSON.
I'm quite glad it's no longer XML.
It seems 12.2 will be bringing the remainder of tools required to really get going with this. There's quite a lot of polish I've seen in this release that makes it an attractive upgrade.
After many, many years using
Textpad, I'm giving other editors a go.
Atom has shown good promise, but I'm still yet to get it compiling my packages on a Windows box, though I haven't persisted.
There are some other minor niggles, but it does bring great benefits. I might give
Sublime a fair go this year, however. There's beer in it for anyone who can get me compiling from a text editor that pleases me. Sorry, I only use
SQL Developer for ad-hoc queries, compiling from scripts, and
some not enough built-in reports.
I am casually interested in how Atom
was built. I see Android Instant apps as being something to keep an eye on with this amazing JavaScript tech.
JavaScript and node.js
I really haven't given node.js a fair go, and if there was anything other than OracleJET visualisations that I want to learn this year, it's node.js. Maybe my QNAP will help me learn after all.
As much as I see the benefits of running a linux based operating system, I think I just need to accept my fate as Windows proficient, using
Virtualbox when I can. Too many hurdles to transition operating systems when there is a world of user interface development to keep up with.
I can't add much to this from this year, except we've had a steady keel for 12 months. I'd like to move to nearly whatever the current version is when we up to 5.1.
I did notice spikes in the connection pool that endangered other users when a page was opened containing an image gallery, particularly for a 'job' with a large number of associated images. We added pagination to that page to cap these spikes and keep them below our connection pool thresholds.
Thanks to all those who answer
and ask questions online (and at conferences, of course).
Plenty of
hub this year about the Oracle ACE program, and the potential for a number of Ace Alumni to appear. It's going through a maturation phase. Let's wait for it to evolve and continue to recognise and potentially aid those people helping the community thrive and develop. Kudos to all those diligent experts out there who remain unrecognised within this particular program, but support their teams and community with their humble expertise.
I'll continue to output stuff that helps me remember stuff and benefits other people, regardless of which side of the line I'll fall. Whatever helps my abstracts get submitted when I occasionally venture out in this giant planet ;p
No real exciting stats to report this year. Growth minimal, but quite the regular heartbeat of visitors. Many of them me, looking up certain references. This is the very reason that tipped me over the edge when starting this blog, seeing this byline:
"Oracle Things I Got to Remember Not to Forget" - Alex
2016 Blog visitors - Lift your game, Greenland |
For some reason, my reference to Carsten's
LISTAGG function was the most popular this year. Perhaps because more people like us who are using this to generate larger JSON sets prior to 12.2?
Also up there for hits was about one of my favourite APEX
development patterns.
It took until #22 in the most visits by page for a 2016 post, an important one on improving
PL/SQL performance in APEX. Some of my favourites from this year include
decommissioning triggers, and a
debugging how-to that may be a useful reference in the forums (#40).
Spiking briefly was this Patterson-Gimlin style glance at
APEX 5.2
APEX Sample Applications
If you haven't heard, Dick Dral possibly leads the pack at the moment in regard to
sample applications, I need to have more of a play in there. He's been a busy boy!
While reviewing blog page hits I noticed activity
this page where I started to catalogue my bookmarked list of community sample applications. Maybe I can finish modernising my sample app and make these more prominent, or find a better home elsewhere.
For anyone who purchased a copy of my jQuery in APEX book, thank you, and I would recommend you re-source
chapter 9 electronically. Somehow an early draft made it in but it has since been replaced, using what seems like a logistically amazing process in the world of publishing.
If you like video format, I did this
video series for 4.x, but many principles still apply.
While I've got a back-log to read, this
Real World SQL and PL/SQL is hard to go past. Well done, gang.
Because I like science and technology.
Among other things, I predict forms of intelligent systems / AI will be a science we'll see more of in the world, solving problems that wouldn't immediately spring to mind. I also wonder if it will help clients become event thinner, so I can stop complaining about not having enough space for apps on my phone, even as a moderate user of apps.
Because I've liked this since I was single digits.
This year will mark the end of an amazing mission that I've been following for quite some time. Cassini has been exploring more than just Saturn as shown in this
amazing timeline. It's already committed on its fateful descent into Saturn in September.
Saturn moon Iapetus |
I know in next year's review I'll be talking about the amazing
James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled for launch around a year after Cassini farewells. This thing is going to be the biggest thing for astronomy since Hubble. Literally. The few weeks between launch and confirmation of a functioning telescope will be the most thrilling moment that represents years of work for thousands of engineers. There's no second chance like
Hubble had, nor any service missions, not while still humanity struggles to exceed low earth orbit.
Science, in general, is actually quite a big part of the current news cycles, but for all the wrong reasons. I wonder how this will change if China's
Chang'e 5 makes it to the moon and back this year, making it the third country to achieve this amazing feat and the first in 40+ years. I wonder how POTUS will respond?
There is at least one reason to be in the land of the free this year, for on August 21 a
total solar eclipse travels across the entire country, a rare event hopefully inspiring many budding young scientists.
Happy science,